Membersihkan Nama dari Black List Bank Indonesia

Membersihkan Nama dari Black List Bank Indonesia


In 2005 I've got a bank loan amounting to Rp650 million NISP. Then in 2006 in addition to Rp250 million, but has been running for 1 year my business turnover decreased until eventually went bankrupt in 2007. I'm trying to pay off my debt to the bank by selling the collateral, and finally all my debts be repaid to the bank by getting interest relief. At the time of settlement on the bank I did not ask for proof in full. Later in 2010 I intend to apply to several mortgage banks but rejected my name is on the black list of Bank Indonesia.

I've attended BI to request a print out of her and there was indeed listed there are bad credit. I've tried to confirm to Bank NISP and they promise to check, but I remain in the black list and denied mortgages. What's the solution? And how to check the data in the BI debtor by way of online?

Hasan, London


Checking BI is a reference bank to provide credit. Therefore, if we do this will delay or debt obligations, it will always be known and the bank has the right to cancel the credit request.

We recommend that you try and try to ask for proof of payment to the bank get involved, try to go back or try to enlist the help of marketing that have been linked to get out the letter in question. The letter is a weapon we can apply for credit at another bank, which states that we are done on the obligation.

Simultaneously, do request to another bank. Maybe in another bank name we have not detected in Bank Indonesia Checking (if indeed we have paid off the debt).

Hope it helps and always ask for proof of your banking and save.


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